Risc World 3
Risc World 3.iso
Text File
71 lines
Church bell ringing animation on RISC-OS computers.
Tested on versions of RISCOS 3 and 4,
including an A4, 7500FE, Kinetic StrongARM RISC PC
and VirtualA5000 on a PC.
Kate and David Crennell,
'Fortran Friends',PO Box 64, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 0TH.
Email: fortran@argonet.co.uk
URL: http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/fortran/
John Norris,
Email: jrn@norbirch.demon.co.uk
*** This is a demonstration version.
*** It allows only two methods on 6 bells:
*** Grandsire Doubles and Plain Bob Minor.
*** Otherwise it is the same as the full version which is supplied
*** with around 150 methods on 3 to 16 bells.
The accompanying application, !Methods, animates a band of from 4 to 16
bellringers ringing standard methods. If you do not ring church bells
yourself, read the file 'Docs.Intro' for a brief introduction to the
technique and look at the Draw file 'Docs.Strokes' in the application.
Operating instructions are in the !Help in the application. The images may
be very distorted if you do not use a high resolution screen mode.
The demo software is free but remains our copyright:
* you must not alter the code in any way without our consent but may *
* distribute it to others in its entirety for non-commercial use. *
* You must include this file with the copies. *
If you would like to buy the full version please send a donation of at
least £10 which will be put towards church bell restoration in our Guild.
Cheques should be made payable to 'Fortran Friends' and sent to the above
address. Please remember to include your full postal address and email if
you have one. We will send the full version on a single floppy disc.
We appreciate comments and suggestions for improvements from users. If there
is sufficient demand, we could include code to support interactive help.
We have a web page for RISC-OS ringing applications:
If you know of any other ringing applications for RISCOS, please let us know
so that we can add them to these web pages. There are also some useful links
to a glossary and some 'Learn to ring' pages.
Disc Contents.
Within the application, !Methods, there are two directories:
Docs: documentation with files
DataFormat Describes the format of resources.methods containing the
definitions of the pre-defined methods. It also contains a
short description of 'place notation'.
Diagrams A description of a method diagram
Intro An introduction to church bell ringing.
Pitch How to correct the pitch of the sound. This is especially
important if you are using the program on VirtualAcorn.
Strokes A Draw file showing the two strokes used in church bell ringing.
Resources: data used by the program
ChurchBell Sound sample of church bell.
D16/spr Animation sprites for 16 colours.
D256/spr Animation sprites for 256 colours.
methodsD Data defining the methods which can be rung
(see docs.DataFormat).
Options users settings stored from one session to the next.
pitch change from standard pitch (see Docs.Pitch).
Templates window defininitions.